Message Number: YG7156 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-09-09 18:53:00 UTC
Subject: Re: potassium responses

Hello again!

Firstly I want to thank all of you that have responded to my
post...and so
quickly at that! Many thank yous!

Secondly, I appreciate the suggestion to have levels checked. I'm a
total off
the wall worrywart and I started worrying today when it dawned on me
that his
potassium levels could be out of whack from the Lasix. You're
should have the levels checked as I do know that too much can be
almost worse
than not enough just based on my own personal experience. My vet is
2 hours
away and it's sometimes difficult to make a connection with him;
thus my note
to this list.

Zak was only recently diagnosed and has been on the meds just under
a month;
we're both getting our "feet wet" as far as getting the levels right
taking them correctly. As for bananas...I know they are high in
however, I've always avoided sugary treats for my kids and bananas
are loaded
with fructose...natural sugar. Remember...I'm the quintessential
momster here!

Anyway...I've babbled long enough. I so appreciate you all writing
to both
the list and the private e-mails I've had. It helps so much when you
you're not the only kid on the block with illnesses!

Barb and the 7 whirling dervishes...Gus, Zak, Hope, Bren, Kate, Cher
and Tess

Please give to Aleutian Disease research...the ferret you save may
be your