Message Number: YG7178 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-09-10 15:08:00 UTC
Subject: Pet Insurance: Is it Worth It?

I'm thinking about signing my ferrets up for this (See below). I
called for some more information, and it's cheaper to pay the year's
amount upfront. ($156 per ferret). There's a $50 deductible per
incident and you pay 10 percent of everything after that. Has anyone
had any positive or negative experiences with this company? Is it
cost efficient in your opinion? I realize that it's a gamble
regardless, but I just wanted to get some opinions.



--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., dookdook@h... wrote:
> Just talked to the Veterinary Pet Insurance, VPI (1-800-USA PETS), I
> asked what they cover as far as ferrets. The lady said,
> hospitalization, prescriptions, and even cancers. I specifically
> "Does it cover adrenal cancers, that some ferrets get as they get
up in
> years?" Her answer was, "Yes, as long as it was not a preexisting
> condition at time of enrollment."
> Hope this helps some.
> Margie