Date: 2001-09-10 14:46:00 UTC
Subject: Re: [Ferret-Health-list] HELP: Diet during illness
--- dannybeer00@y... wrote:
> My question is:
> Right now she only will eat the soft food if
> hand-fed to her. Is
> this normal when ferrets are sick? If I put it in a
> bowl, she eats
> very little, then walks away. But she'll eat a lot
> more if I feed
> her by finger.
All of my ferrets have wanted to be hand-fed and
babied when they are sick. I can usually get them to
eat fairly well if I feed them by hand, otherwise they
will eat little or nothing if I just leave food out.
Once they start feeling better, mine will usually go
back to eating their dry food. Sometimes it takes a
few days before they go back to their old routine
completely, but they do go back though. At least
that's been my experience.
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