Message Number: YG7218 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-09-12 00:12:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Revolution

I have seen many things written lately about Revolution for use in
ferrets and it all has been okay except for dosage. I could not
believe my eyes when I saw a post saying to apply a whole cat sized
tube per ferret! Even if it is safe to use in ferrets "off label"
why, would you use an entire tube for 5-15lb cats on what usually
ranges from 1-4 pound ferrets? Waste of money and playing with fire
if one turns out to react to it like some do with Advantage or
Each tube for 5-15lb cats contains .75cc/ml of liquid and by doing
simple math, you can come up with .05cc/ml being the dosage per
pound. By doing that, you not only save money, but use the smallest
effective dose, like how you would medicate any living being.
I'm not trying to be rude, just straight and to the point.
