Message Number: YG7244 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Steve Austin
Date: 2001-09-12 12:11:00 UTC
Subject: Re: [Ferret-Health-list] a good tooth scaler

Chris unless I start shooting down some birds here, where do
I go to get
fresh, raw whole animal carcass? Does carcass mean with
fur/feathers intact?

The other problem is that most all large farm kits are started
kibble from the time they are weaned, I have tried to feed my
meats, all kinds, cooked for them, etc., fresh, add ferretone
and haven't
had one eat it. I think they only know kibble as food.
ANyone know
how to get a ferret to accept meat as food? I can't rub it on
the gums or
nose like I can the meat baby food, or chicken gravy until
they get used
to the taste.


The best tooth descaler you can use is raw whole animal or
bird carcase, there is no need to clean teeth or give
hairball treatment if the ferrets are fed the appropriate
food. I find my ferrets teeth soon start to discolour if I
have to feed just dry kibble for longer than a month. The
has been a shortage of fresh whole carcase in my area this
year due to the F & M in the UK.

Chris Lloyd. ICQ no. 44575318
Wessex Ferret Club