Message Number: YG7308 | New FHL Archives Search
From: - Z -
Date: 2001-09-18 14:56:00 UTC
Subject: Re: ulcers and seedy stool-- URGENT

--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., "- Z -" <regina_z@h...> wrote:
> I wanted to get her on
> Gerber's second stage chicken, but at this point I would have to
> force feed her and I'm afraid of stressing her out more.

An addendum to my earlier post: I am in fact forcefeeding her with
Gerber's 2nd stage chicken. I've read Dr. Williams' article on hand
feeding ferrets, and I really wish I could do this differently, but
she won't cooperate and there isn't time to build up slowly. I
managed to get probably 4 or 5 ccs into her the first time (I
syringed out 6ccs, but I'm wearing some of it), and she demonstrated
quite clearly that despite her low BG, she is not lethargic. At
least there's something I can smile about!

I also just talked to my regular vet*, who a) let me know that what I
was describing in her stool was not blood and b) that the seedy
stools following the soft stools she'd been having were actually a
good sign that her GI tract is returning to normal. We discussed
Carafate, and she felt that the Pepcid should be providing enough
stomach protection-- I'll move the timing of the Pepcid around so
that it's a half hour or so before at least a couple of her feedings.

So I'm less panicked than I was an hour ago... Amelia was irked with
me, but we then had a fun expedition to the kitchen, normally off-
limits, to get ourselves cleaned up, so all is forgiven. She really
is such a sweet ferret...

*the vet who has been working with Amelia all week was not my regular
vet. She was good, but obviously not as ferret-experienced and
didn't have a terribly confidence-inspiring manner with owners. Note
to vets and vet students: don't giggle nervously when delivering
potentially bad news! In the end I think that she did all the right
things, but still, it was a relief to speak to my regular vet, of
whom I think the world and sky.


Regina Harrison regina_z@h... or regina@c...

Gossamer into Spiderweb:

So keep your candles burning
And make her journey bright and pure
That she will keep returning
Always and evermore
into my arms