Message Number: YG7340 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Troy Lynn Eckart
Date: 2001-09-20 02:15:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Honey

During Honey's exam her vertebrae shifted and by morning she had a very
prominent bump in her spine below her shoulders. I'd spent a sleepless
night with her. As the night wore on her pain increased. By 5am her body
was tight, her breathing rapid, and her little paws clutched the quilt. I
tearfully called the vet and took her in to be helped out of this realm.
After she was gone, and her muscles relaxed her rib cage fell in and one
of her ribs broke as she was being very gently examined. The xrays showed
several possible broken ribs and where others had separated from the back
bone. Would this indicate more of a calcium deficiency or possible
bone disease than an injury? Honey had been sleeping on the bed with me
for over a week and that was quite unusual for her. She was moving fine
and eating well but stayed close to me. Last week she started having
trouble with her back legs and it progressed from there. Does that sound
like bone disease?

Thanks to all that sent well wishes, advice, and offers for carts.

Hugs to all. tle
Troy Lynn Eckart
Ferret Family Services