Message Number: YG7354 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Steve Austin
Date: 2001-09-20 20:24:00 UTC
Subject: Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Melatonin and Pred?

I am guessing that the tumor itself produces the hormones that
are in excess. That is what happens with other tumors that occur
in glands that normally produce hormones (thyroid, pituitary, pancreas)/

Interestingly, the type of tumor that grows in adrenal glands of ferrets
is a little different than seen in other animals, it produces mostly
sex hormones instead of cortisol. It is thought that perhaps the
constant stimulation of the adrenal gland in fixed ferrets by
LH and FSH is why the adrenal gland enlarges and tumor
is formed. This is one theory as to why ferrets spayed or neuterd
are so much more likely to get these tumors.

The Lupron and melatonin only suppress the feedback mechanism
that normally is in place so that less hormones are produced by
the gland. It does not affect the tumor at all, and that keeps growing,
and also a reason why the medicine doesn't always work,and
doesn't work forever.


> Lastly, I always get confused here, does lupron and melatonin help
> shrink the
> tumor or stop it from growing. If both these drugs help reduce the
> overproduction of hormones does that mean they stop the tumor from
> growing??
> I always thought the over stimulation of hormones is what caused the
> tumor to
> grow?? Please help
> Thanks,
> Christina *Bandit & Fiefal*
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