Message Number: YG7372 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-09-21 21:11:00 UTC
Subject: hind end weakness

I have an ADV- ferret with IBD. He has been on Pedipred for a year
and after doing well on that, my vet and I decided to switch him to
Imuran. About a week after starting it, I noticed he was having
bouts of wobbliness which gradually progressed to dragging his hind
end but still able to push with his legs (about three weeks.) I
took him off the Imuran about two weeks ago...weaning him and
started a .4 dose of Pedipred which is his best dose. His ulcer
started back up again as well as crying while urinating and he also
had a wicked earmite problem. The vet said take him off the
Pedipred and gave me an amoxi/sulfacrate mix, earmite meds, and

His glucose two weeks ago was 62. He has some tenderness near his
prostate but the vet said it didn't feel enlarged. The x-rays
showed no trauma, masses or fluid. We had blood and urine drawn
this past Wednesday. His glucose was a very scary 24, although he
showed no signs of drooling, pawing, glazed eyes. The rest of the
bloodwork came back normal.

His urine was free of crystals, blood, and sugar. His appetite is
back to normal eating two jars of babyfood a day. He is still
flopping as he walks although he does still have feeling in his feet
and will push with them and now his left paw is starting to bend
under somewhat.

He is now on 1cc of Pedipred twice a day for a little while and on
an ear med for a secondary yeast infection in his ears. He is not
straining to pee now but his poo is pudding. My vet and fellow
ferret gurus are absolutely stumped. Any imput or thoughts you all
may have would be most welcome.

Earlicks and toebitings to all,
