Message Number: YG753 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Dr. Bruce Williams
Date: 2001-03-05 17:52:00 UTC
Subject: Re: DMSO

Dear Amy:

You are correct, although there are people on the list with far more
experience with DMSO than I. DMSO is a super solvent, and has the
propensity to take drugs with it through the skin into the blood. It
was in favor about 15-20 years ago for various swellings, especially
in horses. You would wrap a leg with DMSO and some steroid and saran
wrap, and you would get good penetration.

However, due to its propensity from driving compounds into the
tissues, it should be used at best with caution. Remember that a
rectum is extremely vascular, and using DMSO and having it get
contaminated with another soluble compoung may be akin to injecting
the compound directly into the bloodstream!

I think I'd urge caution here.

With kindest regards,

Bruce H. Williams, DVM, DACVP
Join the Ferret Health List at

--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., "Amy and Jim Robbin" <amyjimr@m...>
> I'm curious about the question of using DMSO on a prolapsed
rectum. I've used it in the past on my horse but was told to use
rubber gloves and wash your hands thoroughly.
> From what I understand of it, that it somehow increases your skin's
ability to absorb external elements directly into your blood stream,
example if your hands got dirty any of those germs would quickly
absorb into your skin and into your blood stream.
> I'd be concerned using it on a bum, especially when they do the
butt skid after the litter box.
> I'd love to hear vets feedback on this, I may be listening to an
old wives tale.
> Amy