Message Number: YG7540 | New FHL Archives Search
From: katharine
Date: 2001-09-29 06:41:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Baby Food

Mike Janke wrote:
<I'm not sure how many cc's are in one jar of baby
food, but one jar since Thursday doesn't sound
like it's anywhere near enough.<

I tend to agree with you. That's what I'm afraid
of. I'm hoping the added whipping cream, though
not terribly nutritious, will help get enough
calories into him. See, I also have written
permission to have him euthanized, if necessary,
and I just really, really don't want it to come to

The weird thing is that he's quite active, playing
with Emma and DaBoyz. He was in the tubes this
a.m. with them. He doesn't act like an animal (or
person, for that matter) who is being starved to
death. I have him in a separate cage so I can
monitor him somewhat but he has hissy fits to get
out to play (I let him out the same time as Emma
and DaBoyz), also not indicative of an animal weak
from lack of food.

BTW, he weighs about 3 lbs. so maybe he's living
on some reserves.