Message Number: YG7661 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Erin Simkins
Date: 2001-10-04 00:55:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Teeth Cleaning during surgery?

> --- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., "Michelle" <qoteu@h...> wrote:
> <The vet also wants to clean his teeth, to the tune of $85. I just
> had his teeth cleaned about 2 years ago. She said she saw some
> on his teeth, but is this something I need to do? <

--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., shurcool@i... wrote:
But, for the teeth cleaning, it
> should be much cheaper if he is already under anesthesia. My vet
> charges about $90 to clean teeth but a good half of that is for the
> iso. Any time mine have to be anesthetized for something I always
> tell them to clean their teeth if they need it.

I'm not sure about this so maybe someone can help clear it up for
me. I've always heard that you should NOT do a teeth cleaning at the
same time as the animal goes under the knife. Something about
bacteria in the plaque being swallowed increasing the chance of
infection if the system is compromised by a surgery. Is this an Old
Wives' Tale? Is it okay to do a teeth scraping while the ferret is
under? I would be concerned about that.

I've never had my ferret anesthetized for teeth cleanings. We do it
at home with a tooth scraper, a few Q-tips to sweep the plaque away
and someone who can scruff very well.

Anyone have any thoughts on cleanings during surgery?

Erin Simkins