Bruce Williams, DVM
Date: 2001-10-04 13:06:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Swollen third eyelid and swollen head
--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., "Ulrike" <ferretlove@n...> wrote:
> Hello again
> Well, we've been to the vets and Spike had his x-ray, my vet is
quite sure
> that there is a mass in front of his heart, it's quite large.
We've left
> Spike on Rimadyl for the time being as it makes him feel better.
He gets an
> eighth of a 20 mg tablet twice a day, my vet suggested cutting it
back to an
> eighth once a day after he's been on it for a week. I was
wondering whether
> there is a safer alternative to Rimadyl, a well working pain killer
that is
> safe long term? Because Spike seems to need the painkiller every 12
> hours...
Dear Ulrike:
That is unforatunate news, but would explain the swelling of the
head, if the tumor is impinging on the anterior vena cava - the large
vein though which all venous blood return from the head passes on the
way to the heart. I am hopeful that when the time comes, you will be
willing to confirm this with an autopsy, and some pictures of this
very unique necropsy would be quite valuable. Your pictures are
excellent, and something like this probably should go into the
literature - I would be happy to consult on this and collaborate
with your vet in a publication (it is a great cae for Exotic DVM
journal, which likes interesting case reports such as these.
Regarding painkillers, butorphanol may be an option here - it is
quite safe - the only question I have is wheterh it may be available
in Wales - European and American drugs, even the standard ones may
have restricted availabilities.
With kindest regards,
Bruce Williams, DVM