Message Number: YG7718 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Steve Austin
Date: 2001-10-06 01:30:00 UTC
Subject: Re: giving subcutaneous fluids

Warming the fluids helped, and if you use the butterfly the
tubing can sit in warm water, also I found that if there
is a little give between me and the needle there is less
the ferret will pull out the needle. In other words, if the
moves, and I don't move with the ferret the needle comes out,
but with the butterfly tubing, I have a little room to move
pulling on the needle.
also, the ferret has to be secured- I wrapped in a towel, with
head and neck out, and put a plate of warmed baby food
on the floor and the ferret ate the food for most of the time-
just jumped a little on the initial stick. I did find
sticking a few
times because I was not comfortable putting a lot of fluid
the skin in one stick.

It did take some practice, and I guess that is the key, and
that either method would work.

p.s. I am biased to butterfly needles working in pediatrics

My vet then told me she was sending home the syringe with
needles and I would have to get over my fear and just do it.
It took a couple of times to get it down, but I did it and
it really took just seconds (about 10 - as I would tell him
"here we go" and count down from 10) with the the syringe

Dooks to all,