Message Number: YG7759 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Cheryl & Steve
Date: 2001-10-07 08:44:00 UTC
Subject: [Ferret-Health-list] adrenal

Hi Kathy,
Get another vet that is ferret knowledgeable and will give him a 500mg/month Lupron depot and you can put a skin lotion on his feet ie skin so soft. I wish you and Barney good luck.
Cheryl & Steve
----- Original Message -----
From: kathie weber
Sent: Sunday, October 07, 2001 5:17 PM

Barney is a 8 year old who has insulinoma. He gets
pred twice a day and suppliments his dry food with
chicken soup. This past week he's been eating every
couple of hours, which is not like him, but we're
happy his appetite is back. Today we noticed he's
rapidly losing hair on his tail, stomach and feet. His
feet are bare, and are developing sores on the bottom
like scratches. What do we put on his feet. My vet
thinks he's got adrenal gland cancer but because of
his age doesn't want to do anything. Please help. I
only want to do what best for Barney. Thanks.