Message Number: YG7842 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Bruce Williams, DVM
Date: 2001-10-09 13:58:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Skin problems

--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., "Dave & Debbi Martin" <ferret@i...>
> I have ferrets that have skin problems. I had three that had the
same problem but one passed away yesterday after a very large tumor
removal from his left adrenal. I don't know whether this problem is
adrenal related or not. I have two other ferrets that were separated
from these three until recently. Now one of the two is getting the
same problem with his skin. They are all itchy. Their skin is really
pink also there are sores in different places on their bodies. Their
skin is really dry also. My vet checked for parasites and could not
find any. He injected the three with Ivermectin and put them on
Pnamycin aquadrops three times a day. I have also been giving them
fatty acids with their food.
> It seemed to come on all of a sudden when the weather got dryer
here. I have attached a picture of one of the ferrets.

Dear Deborah:

I agree with Mike - the pattern is classic bilateral truncal
alopecia, and 99% of these are adrenal. The red splotches look like
self trauma as a result of pruritius, but occasional adrenal ferrets
do develop erythematous itchy lesions on their own without pre-
existent trauma.

I know that you are probably very gunshy following the death of your
other ferret, but it looks like this one is adrenal as well.

Thanks for the pictures - they make all of the difference.

With kindest regards,

Bruce Williams, dVM