Message Number: YG7988 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-10-17 23:59:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Insulinoma

--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., "Becky Messick" <bmessick@c...> wrote:
> When she called last week with the results, I was very upset, and
was sure that is what she told me. She drained fluid off the chest
and she is on a couple of medicines.....We did ask about surgery and
she said that for her being so small and young, it was not and option
at this time. That it would more than likely just spread it out more
in her small body.>

This is very confusing! Insulinoma certainly wouldn't spread
throughout the body with surgery. Her size should have nothing to do
with deciding whether to do surgery. That is, unless she is
emaciated, which I'm assuming she is not. Draining fluids makes me
think heart problems. Perhaps that is why they are hesitant to do
surgery. What meds is she on?

May I suggest that you talk to the vet again to get a clear
understanding of what the problem is? I suspect that you were upset
and didn't hear all that was said, or possibly misunderstood. That
has happened to me. I just call the vet back and say that I didn't
understand a thing he said because I was upset.

After you do that, post what you're told and maybe someone on the
list can advise you.
