Message Number: YG8015 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Mike Janke
Date: 2001-10-20 06:45:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Question: influenza vaccine

I could be mis-remembering (is that a word?) this so if someone knows
positively, please correct me.

It's my understand that a flu shot is only a component of the virus
(protein?) that causes the body to put up its defenses. As such, one
can neither pass on the flu or get the flu, as so many people seem to
claim after getting this shot. Some people do become ill after a flu
shot, but it isn't because they got influenza.

I believe a doctor should comment on this before you take my word on


--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., Sukie Crandall <sukiecrandall@t...>
> --
> For some reason I thought that this had been answered already, but
> can't locate the post if it has been.
> Had to have flu shot, but do not know if that is a weakened virus
> a partial one. Not kissing or hugging ferrets till I know more,
> am getting dirty and sadly wounded looks as a result... Figured
> be careful in case i might shed virus. If I will, then for how