Message Number: YG8038 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Mike Janke
Date: 2001-10-21 06:01:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Strange symptoms

Definitely have your vet check his blood glucose when you take him
in. It sounds a bit like hypoglycemia, though perhaps not. In the
meantime, make sure he's eating well and not missing any meals. It's
also possible that his prostate is enlarged due to the adrenal
disease and he's trying to go but can't. Have you seen him pee
successfully? If he can't urinate, it can be real serious and if
this is the case, you need to get him into a vet right away.


--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., sunnyfieldz@y... wrote:
> I posted last week about my ferret being diagnosed as having a
> possible adrenal tumor. I contacted a recommended vet out of
> Birmingham and I am going to take him in tomorrow. However, today
> he is having odd symptoms. Yoda keeps going to the bottom of his
> cage...and his lower end he is trying to go to the
> bathrooom. he looks glassy eyed while this happens. there is no
> wetness after he leaves. However, sometimes this spasm/ spell
> happens when he isn't at the bottom of his cage.