Mike Janke
Date: 2001-10-22 16:08:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Rastis licking hinself bald
That photo of Rastis sure looks adrenal related to me. He's probably
licking as a result of the itchiness caused by adrenal disease rather
than the licking causing the hair loss.
Hair loss caused by adrenal disease doesn't always progress up the
back. One of mine had her left adrenal and 3/4's of her right out
and the only hair loss she had was at the base of the tail, much like
Rastis, but less hair loss. She never had a swollen vulva either.
Another one had overall thinning and hair loss on the tops of his
Thanks for the good photo. It sure helps to actually see the
problem. You need to seriously consider adrenal disease in this case.
--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., "reanee gladden" <reaneegadden@y...>
> My Rastis is about 5-6 years old and he has been licking at a spot.
> noticed a balding ring around the tail and kept an eye on it to see
> if the balding would prgress up the back in the typical adrenal
> pattern. Instead he has been licking the the balding is going down
> his leg and around to his rectum.