Message Number: YG8098 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Mike Janke
Date: 2001-10-23 08:00:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Going out of town for a wedding...need adive for my

Given enough food and water, they could certainly survive without a
problem for a week. BUT, so many things could happen and leaving them
totally unattended for a week is not a good idea at all.

--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., dock0316@a... wrote:
> Decmeber I am going out of town for like a week or
> long can my ferrets go without being out of their cage?...I had a
> sitter, but they are also going out of town...they will still be
> for another couple days when I leave, so they can watch my ferrets
> then for those days. So the total of days I would be gone...would
> a week...maybe!..alittle more..but not 2 sure yet..If I give then
> enought food and water for a week will they be ok??...Any advice
> would help greatly...