Message Number: YG8107 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-10-23 13:27:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Going out of town for a wedding...need adive for my

We once long ago could not get a pet sitter and had to leave our
guys for two days (which we managed to shorten to a day and
half). Gave them tons of food and many water bottles in their very
large cage. Well, one of them invented a new game. I guess that
having a lot of water bottles was too inviting. The new game was
"Shove on the water bottle nozzle until it falls on the floor". Ever
since then they have never been left without a pet sitter even if it
means our plans have to change. That game could have been
fatal for them; every bottle was down. Ferrets are just too
inquisitive, inventive and implusive to not be checked.

We found our sitter through our vet, two vet-tech sisters have set
up a business locally so if one's ill the other can take over and
they know others who are reliable.

Some shelters provide sitting, too.

--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., dock0316@a... wrote:
> Decmeber I am going out of town for like a week or
> long can my ferrets go without being out of their cage?...I had a
> sitter, but they are also going out of town...they will still be
> for another couple days when I leave, so they can watch my
> then for those days. So the total of days I would be
gone...would be
> a week...maybe!..alittle more..but not 2 sure yet..If I give then
> enought food and water for a week will they be ok??...Any
> would help greatly...
> Tony