Message Number: YG8125 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-10-24 01:59:00 UTC
Subject: no surgery recommendation for insulinoma

One of our ferrets was just diagnosed with insulinoma, given that she
exhibited many of the symptoms and had a fasting BG level of around
60. We're unsure of her age, but believe she's about four, and is
otherwise in good health.

Our vet's recommendation was to not do surgery but treat it
medically, putting our ferret on Prednisone. A consideration with
the surgery was that there is no assurance for how long it would be
effective, and in as little as 6 mo. we might be back where we

I trust our vet, but from reading here it seems like most insulinomic
ferrets do have surgery, so I just wanted to get other opinions.