Date: 2001-10-28 06:31:00 UTC
Subject: ECE Virus in Ferrets
Hello ferret lovers:
We have (should I say had) 7 ferrets. My husband and I rescued 2
ferrets from XXXX in XXXX. Both were very sick from this
disease, we did the best we could for them, the girl Ginger was 3/4
of a pound when we brought her to the vet. Armand her brother also
was very ill with this dis-ease; armand did not like other ferrets
but loved humans, and he attacked our other fuzzies ... If anyone can
tell us about ECE experiences that they have come across I would be
so appreciative to
hear how they dealt with this awful virus and how they made out with
their fuzzies. My husband and myself have 5 surviving ferrets who
are showing the symptoms of this awful illness, the mucous bright
green stool and we are so concerned that it was passed from the 2 we
adopted from XXXX out of XXXX. We have researched this
disease but would really like to hear from other ferret people with
some practical advice and some success stories.
Today is Oct. 28 and we lost Ginger on Monday she passed in the night
at the vets, all alone ..... her brother armand passed just a day
later, all alone. and it
broke our hearts. They were abused from their previous owners, left
in a box on the Humane Society doorstep in the middle of the night.
We did the best we could for them, and I wish they were with us right
Thank you, Michele and Michael