Message Number: YG8331 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-10-31 09:44:00 UTC
Subject: Re: [Ferret-Health-list] ECE Virus in Ferrets


Hello ! Thank you so much for sharing your story, and your
condolences.. I truly feel your pain and I am so very glad that
they pulled through ! We did end up having Armand autopsyed (sp?)
just in case he had ADV or something. My five seem to be doing
well. Luna and Luis I think took the brunt of it. There is still
evidence of the green stool, but not all the time. Does this mean
they are beating it ? They are all very healthy happy carpet sharks
with lots of fire in their eyes. I have them on the amoxil as a
precausion (sp?) sorry about the errors in sp !!!! They love it, I
sit on the floor and as soon as they smell it I am surrounded by
eager lil fuzzies ... Jaedin (he's a black mit) and Lestat (an
albino with quite the penchent for theivery!) try to take the
dropper from me its so hilarious ! They lick it clean ! Then chase
me for more.

In this dis-ease Ivy, can a cage truly be cleaned of the virus ?
We have washed out the cages with bleach and amonia 3x .... I'd hate
to put one of the fuzzies in there and have the cage still be
contaminated. Financially we have not received the bill from the
vet yet, but I am sure it will be a wopper. X out of XX isn't even
contributing a dime to the care. Im truly not happy with them right
now. They didn't even let us know that these were 2 very sick
fuzzies. Not cool. I still would have taken them but I would never
have put them in the same room with my fuzzies ... I would have
taken other measures. Live and learn Ivy.

Thank you so much for your insight and help. Please keep in touch!

In a message dated 10/28/01 6:46:28 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Hi Guys:

Am so sorry to hear about your buddies and have gone through a
very similar experience myself. We had five ferrets, three of
which we bought and two
we took because they were not being cared for properly. Then we
saw this really cute silver mit which we adopted and now call
Cosmo. It seemed that
Cosmo was a carrier of this ECE disease. We didn't let him in
with or play with the other guys because as you know, ferrets are
rough with babies.
He was just kept in the same room and played with the same toys
and within a week, my other ferrets became very sick. All five of
them had to be
hospitalized. I was happy to say that they all survived. Two
ferrets my oldest one Trouble and Powder I think cought it the

In answer to your other question. I had a ferret named Sly who
was a sweetheart with people and ferrets, but when he was sick, he
wanted no other
ferrets with or around him. People could touch him and he
acutally didn't mind you holding him when he was sick. Hope you
are all doing better. No
one knows better than I what havoc this ECE can have in your
house, with your other ferrets lives, and financially. Wish you
well in the future