Message Number: YG8526 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Caitlyn M. Martin
Date: 2001-11-08 16:03:00 UTC
Subject: Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Cystic Kidney

Hi, Harriet, and everyone else,

My vet will be (or may have already) be sharing some unique data on my albino
ferret Pertwee with Dr. Williams. Basically, the literature says that renal
cysts are either not clinical, or in young ferrets with polycystic disease,
bilateral and fatal. Supposedly those are the only two possibilities. Pertwee
had what both ultrasound and pathology showed to be *one* polycystic kidney in
addition to bilateral adrenal carcenomas. He was in major pain, wouldn't eat,
and came close to being put down or dying on his own. When the nephrectomy on
the affected kidney was done, he bounced back and made a full recovery.

I know, Dr. Williams, this is supposed to be impossible. According to my vet,
though, he has all the documentary evidence necessary to prove that it isn't,
at least in one rare case in one young (1.5 year old at the time) ferret.
Since it happened once, I have to assume it could happen again somewhere at
some time in somebody else's ferret.

Harriet, has an ultrasound been done? What does it show? What are his
symptoms (if any)?

Caity and the terrific 10
(including Pertwee the wonder ferret)

> Need information on Cystic Kidney regarding ferrets. Any info will
> greatly be appreciated.
> Harriett H. H.