Susan D.
Date: 2001-11-09 21:21:00 UTC
Subject: any ideas? surgery; low blood; blood transfusion; panting
I just tried searching the archives and got a message that they're
Bandit - approx. 5-7 years old. Lethargic one day 2 weeks ago. Various vet
visits: blood glucose readings down as low as 17 or no reading at all (0).
Had surgery on Monday (11/5). Removed a large tumor from pancreas. Was in
good condition (meaning active, eating, drinking) til today. Today, pale
ears/gums; not eating or drinking. Had to have blood transfusion from one
of my other ferrets. I am taking temp hourly. Was 96 at vet's at 5 p.m.
Went down to 93 at one point. Now at 9 p.m. it is 102.
Before surgery, Bandit was doing a heavy panting thing every so often. She
is doing it tonight. Any idea what that is? I have dextrose to inject then
something else to flush it out (has IV in arm). I've done this, but the
panting continues on and off. Am feeding gerber's chicken baby food every
few hours. She takes that, chews, and swallows.
The blood thing was very strange. I can't remember everything my vet said -
there was so much info coming at me - but since Bandit's not bleeding out,
the red blood cells are breaking down. Vet doesn't know how, why, etc.
Any suggestions/ideas?
Am I fighting a losing battle? I just don't know how much is too much for
Susan D. in KY
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