Message Number: YG8620 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Steve Austin
Date: 2001-11-12 13:41:00 UTC
Subject: Ultrasound as way to test for tumors?

The smaller tumors of the insulinomas or adrenal glands
will be hard to see until they are significantly larger,
as far as lymphoma- unless it is a larger mass it also
would be harder to pick up- generally it affects lymph
nodes and they are small to start. My husband had
Hodgkin's lymphoma and even the CT scans didn't pick
it up until the symptoms progressed a bit, he knew before
the scans because it was a recurrence and he had intense
itching that came before other symptoms.

So, I don't think Ultrasound or X-rays in themselves are
good screening tools for tumors, although they certainly
have there place,and use.
If the ferret has typical symptoms of insulinoma, or adrenal
tumor treat/surgery based on this. Lymphoma is usually
diagnosed on exam and biopsy of tissue.

If all is o.k., and your ferret is not ill, I wouldn't worry about
it. If your ferret has specific symptoms, than there may
be another way to diagnose him- blood tests, exam, or
exploratory surgery depending on the problem,


> When I mention this to the vets, they insist that ultrasounds always
> show
> tumors. So how good is a ultrasound to determine if a ferret has
> tumors or
> not? Is it reliable? Is just having an x-ray better? Should you
> have both
> done?
> Thank you for your time,
> Lynn & Clan War Weasels
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