Message Number: YG8627 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-11-12 13:05:00 UTC
Subject: Re: [Ferret-Health-list] How do you know when it's time...

I remember my little Vinnie passing on from insulinoma. He was my "tough
guy"...thus, the name Vinnie. He made those little whimpering noises. But,
when I picked him up to cuddle him, he would snuggle and sleep. I was
constantly thinking about taking him to the vet, but I just couldn't bring
myself to hook him up to tubes, or give him that shot to put him to sleep.
Maybe it was wrong of me to not take him to the vet...he seemed to die
peacefully in my arms(not the first of mine to pass on while being cuddled).
I took the day off of work because of a "feeling" that that was going to be
the day. Vinnie could barely lift his head to drink water, so a medicine
dropper was right next to us with bottled water. I never put him down all
day. He passed away at 2:30 that afternoon. I'll never forget my Vinnie. I
have an 8x10 of him in my photo album. That was my tough guy. I still say
goodnight to him every night.
Trust your feelings and follow them through. Listen to your vet and heed his
advice, but,still, you'll know in your heart what to do.
May peace be with you always.
Love, Deni Pontious