Message Number: YG8645 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Amy & Dave Seyler
Date: 2001-11-13 13:02:00 UTC
Subject: Knowing when it's time

Knowing when it's time for that final vet trip can be difficult. Three out
of four ferrets we've had pass on had insulinoma, and the decision can be
very hard.

Two we had to take to the vet, but my last one went into grand mal seizures
for several hours, periodically whimpering and then screaming and then being
calm. I knew it was the end. It was horrible to watch. At one point he bit
through his tongue so he was also bleeding and of course I wanted to fix it.
I'm sure he didn't know.

As I was getting dressed to take him to the vet, he had his final seizure
and passed on. In a way he was the easiest, since he made the decision for
us. Although it's horrible to watch, I'd rather have them decide than decide
for them.

Amy, Dave, Sarah & Paul (and their gaggle of giggling ferrets)
RIP Ian, Elektra, Claudia & Sidney

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