Date: 2001-11-15 19:10:00 UTC
Subject: Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Can any one help? Smelly
ferret poop
If the stool is very smelly- please mconsider having a vet check for
helicobacter AND coccidia. In times of stress - young age sales, transport
& re-homing is stressful a ferret can succomb to a helicobacter or coccidia.
These conditions are both present in cases where there has been changes
which could be considered stressful. While Helicobacter is an overgrowth of
good bacteria- it can cause green stool though not nearly as odiforous as
the coccidia sheds. These conditions are ones which take advantage of
suppressed immune systems.
The coccidia is sometimes hard to identify , and certainly more difficult
to identify compared to helicobacter. It is not always shed in the stool-
so several fecal checks may need to be taken before confirmation.
If you are able to identify the bacteria / parasite in the stool the proper
meds will allow a full recovery. Sorry to hear you have encountered such a
drastic loss with the introduction of a new one. While ECE may be the
culprit, prolonged stress conditions can cause loss due to ulcers-- and as
you are experiencing GI problems as well. I hope these suggestions will
help resolve the current dilemma.
Best wishes.
at Ferret Wise Shelter