Message Number: YG8732 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Debi Christy
Date: 2001-11-15 23:09:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Spastic scratching

--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., baradour@h... wrote:
> My six month old sable sprite, Missy, has developed a recurring

Ferret itches are CRITICAL and URGENT... to the ferret, even if the
itch was only dreamed. I've got several that scamper across 6 or 7
other ferrets and run to the other side of the room from a dead sleep
just to scratch.

This is a more common occurance during coat change seasons.

Some ferrets seem to have a "habit" itch. They'll scratch a
particular place first... then seem to realize it was somewhere else
that was actually itching and begin scratching there... but they
almost always scratch the "habit" place first, the second place
scratched varies.

But, with "new" itches, you should always review any changes you
might have made in ferret shampoos, laundry detergent, carpet
shampoos or deodorizers, or even foods; new treats etc. to rule out
the possibility of an allergen or irritant.

I have gone as far to give Benedryl to the "critical itcher"... only
to find they still wake from a dead sleep to scratch the "habit"
spot... and nowhere else. So I have to wonder if maybe they really
did just dream they had an itch.

Debi Christy
Ferrets First Foster Home