Date: 2001-11-21 07:17:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Itching
--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., Corinne Allen <cpallen626@y...> wrote:
> Have you tried topical goldenseal? ......Also, if you know an
homeopatic vet in your area, arnica (taken orally)does work quite well
Thanks for all of the suggestions. My vet recommended Vitamin E
lotion. I do have Vit. E oil (bottled) but find it extremely messy.
I got some lotion yesterday and we're giving that a try. I had the
pharmacist check all the ingredients to make sure they were all safe
to ingest <g>. Cedes hates it, of course, and immediately starts
licking it off. So, I'm trying to tote him around for a while to give
the lotion a chance to soak in.
An added benefit is that my hands are softer and more moisturized