Message Number: YG8977 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Jen & Andre
Date: 2001-11-25 17:26:00 UTC
Subject: Re: [Ferret-Health-list] concerned about baytril

Hi Dr. Murray,

We have had her blood glucose tested... the first time it was
3.6, the second time it was normal. The lymph node, liver and
spleen aspirates were inconclusive. The vet said she believed
it was lymphoma (LN's are very swollen & spleen is big) but
couldn't be sure. Newton's strength seems to have to do with
when she was fed last, so that makes it sound as though it has
more to do with blood sugar levels, and because her BG was low
once, my vet says that insulinoma is possible too. Newton's 8,
and very weak. I don't want to put her through more testing
than I have to and if the tests are just to tell me what kind
of cancer she has I think there's no point.

Does this make sense?
