Message Number: YG9032 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-11-28 14:36:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Lupron, 4mo depot, 1mg or 2mg?

--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., "Mike Janke" <mjanke@m...> wrote:
> I have used as little as 150 mcg of the one-month Lupron.

Thanks for the info, Mike. I had the exact same question. Cedes' UT
panel came back positive so we are in the process of ordering Lupron
for him. Doc wants to start with the 2mg dosage and I wondered if we
could drop to the 1mg the next time, depending on our success.

Now, poor Lany appears to be balding on her little rear <sigh>. It
never ends with these little ones. She is my last store-bought
baby. She will be 7 in March. I guess we're looking at surgery for
her soon. For some reason, this breaks my heart more than it has
with any of the others. I think it's because she's never had any
medical problems and I thought she might escape it.
