Message Number: YG9049 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-11-29 06:07:00 UTC
Subject: ferret with IBD, diarrhea

My 2 ferrets were diagnosed with IBD and have been on every medicine known to man (and ferret) over the past 10 months. They have been on every treatment protocol that has been recommended, and still had chronic diarrhea for months on end. About 2 months ago, someone on this list suggested using whole canned pumpkin in their food mix (they're both hand fed bob church's chicken gravy every 4-6 hours around the clock). Their diarrhea stopped with 24 hours of initiation of pumpkin therapy, and they still have yet to have a problem with diarrhea since. It appears to have been the miracle cure for these two. Meds are way down from previous levels. They will eat the pumpkin on their own as a snack too, so if we're on the road to see their vet (5-6 hour drive one way) I can feed them a little without having to warm it up on the way. Make sure it's 100% pumpkin without any additives.

They are healthier and more active than ever. They do seem to rub their faces a little more after eating now, but it's on a paper napkin to get the pumpkin off, not the frantic rubbing and pawing they previously did indicating upset stomachs. one of mine had even needed a gastric resection due to chronic eroding ulcers, and was on carafate for 8 months, doesn't need it anymore at all.