Message Number: YG9136 | New FHL Archives Search
From: - Z -
Date: 2001-12-04 12:23:00 UTC
Subject: Finicky Ferret

From: Marjorie <emaro@m...>

>Has anyone ever experience their ferret suddenly decide he doesn't >like
>his food? My two critters did this and I thought perhaps it was >because I
>got a new bag of their food (Totally Ferret). This happened >once before
>so I returned the food for another bag and sure enough >they started eating

This set off some warning bells for me-- when Amelia acted this way, it was
because an ulcer had developed, and she didn't want to eat because of the
pain. I had also coincidentally opened a new bag of food and lost some
valuable time thinking that it was just because of the new bag that she
wasn't eating. I would seriously think about the possiblity of ulcers in
your guys and talk to your vet about it. Maybe I'm being a worrywort, but I
learned the hard way that ulcers can be very serious business and I don't
want to see others have to go through the same lesson.

best wishes,

Regina Harrison regina_z@h... or regina@c...

Gossamer into Spiderweb:

So keep your candles burning
And make her journey bright and pure
That she will keep returning
Always and evermore
into my arms

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