Message Number: YG9222 | New FHL Archives Search
From: - Z -
Date: 2001-12-07 12:25:00 UTC
Subject: Newly Diagnosed Insulinoma-Surgery? etc

From: "reeddion" <Amber.A.Reed@d...>

>What is the best and cheapest medication for him to be on?
>Prelone, PediaPred, Proglycem? Which is better, Prednisone or

I can't answer really as to which is the best, medically speaking, but I can
tell you that my very finicky ferret Amelia took an immediate liking to
pediapred. It's some sort of fruity flavor. I was happily surprized that
she likes it so much. I add a little ferretone but she would probably slurp
down the pediapred without it. Cost of course depends on your dosage, but
even at a very high dose it costs me around $20 for a month's supply (I'm on
the US east coast). Compared to proglycem it's a bargain :-/ You might
want to start tucking away money for that one now, in addition to the money
for the current medication.

>Is it normal for him to become more aggressive when playing
>and more playful in general while being on this medication (see
>part about attacking feet which he'd never done before)?

He's probably feeling better than he has in a while and is happily using his
newfound energy to play. Ferrets tend to think of feet as perfectly sized
playmates :)

>and Hei Jyo Shin (Peace of Mind)

That's a very lovely name :)


Regina Harrison regina_z@h... or regina@c...

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