Date: 2001-12-08 06:44:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Research Offer - Addendum
--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., daneedv@a... wrote:
> Dr. Williams or some of the other vets on this list may also be
interested in
> your girl's remains, but if not, I know that Dr. Stevenson at the U
of GA
> would definitely want them, and they would help.
As an addendum to my earlier post, when sending samples from ADV+
ferrets to Dr. Stevenson at the U of GA, it is a good idea to contact
her by email, fax or phone ahead of time and let her know they are
coming, so she can be on the lookout for them. All packages get
delivered to the mailroom there. I also label the outside of the
package with 'Contains Biological Samples - Open Immediately', so the
package does not just sit around unnoticed. Here is Dr. Stevenson's
full signiture block, with her contact information. This information
is also publicly available on the Net at the U of GA College of
Veterinary Medicine site.
M. A. Stevenson, DVM, PhD, DACVS
Assistant Professor of Surgery
Department of Small Animal Medicine
UGA College of Veterinary Medicine
Athens, GA 30602-7390
dept. phone: (706) 542-6484
FAX: (706) 542-6460
e-mail: masteven@v...
You can also email her lab assistant, Kate Pennick at:
Again, to the person that originally posted asking who might be
interested in samples, I am sorry for your loss.