Message Number: YG9277 | New FHL Archives Search
From: ferretkrazi
Date: 2001-12-10 12:21:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Otomax for ear yeast infections?

--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., "leese10ferts" <fer8queen@a...> wrote:
> I just have a quick question.
> A while back one of my ferrets was diagnosed with a yeast infection
> in her ear. She was prescribed Otomax, one drop twice daily for 10
> days. Shortly after this, I remember reading something about
> being toxic in ferrets. Is this true?

I don't think so since Lynx has been on it for his reoccuring yeast
infections. I know there is a drug called "Gen"-something that is
toxic if ingested. I think that medicine might be in some topical
ointments but I forget. Was there anything in the archives?

My vet is having me use a drying solution twice a week in Lynx's ears
and then administer the Otomax twice a day. He's only been on it a
week and I'm seeing definite improvement. He's no longer shaking his
head and making mad leaps out of his hammock to scratch his ears.
Plus, the stinky yeast smell is gone too! Good luck at the vet's!
