Message Number: YG9286 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Melissa Litwicki
Date: 2001-12-10 17:02:00 UTC
Subject: Polycythemia vera


My 5yo spayed ferret, Puff, is being treated for polycythemia vera. Last
weekend I took her in for a post-phlebotomy PCV test to see if the
phlebotomy had affected that value. Her PCV is now at 65%, whereas before
the phlebotomy it was at 75%, and her RBC was 16k. This was the first
phlebotomy, and the vet took 5cc's of blood using a catheter out of one of
the left side neck veins.

Puff's general health and attitude are the same as pre-treatment. She is
generally chipper, has quite an appetite, and is active and playful. Once
every few weeks, she seems to have a few 'bad days' where she sleeps more
and eats less, and when she is out to play, flops on the floor more and
can't be enticed to play. After a few days, she starts feeling better and
resumes normal activity. However, it's possible her RBC didn't get to a
high enough level that it would have seriously impacted her general

We go back in a few weeks to run another PCV test. Next phlebotomy I'll
have the vet run a complete blood check and see if p. vera is still the
most likely cause of the elevated RBC and PCV values.

Thanks again for everyone's advice and assistance,