Message Number: YG9319 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Pam Sessoms
Date: 2001-12-11 18:59:00 UTC
Subject: melatonin Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Lupron and Surgery

On Tue, 11 Dec 2001, katharine wrote:
> Did anyone ever answer how to give melatonin when we work and can't
> give it at the correct time? I would like to give it to Cedes along
> with the Lupron but don't know whether I would be wasting our time if
> it can't be given accurately.

I'm interested in this as well and haven't seen that addressed yet. There
is a melatonin implant mentioned occasionally; I wonder if that would get
around the problem. I asked on the list about this a little while ago but
didn't hear anything back...

But anyway, there is brief mention in post 4477 of using the "male mink"
implant every 4-6 months. That should get around the time-of-dosing
problem. I can't find mention in the FHL archives of a brand name for
this. A little non-FHL research shows a mink melatonin implant called
Prime-X that can possibly be purchased through Wildlife Pharmaceuticals,
Inc, and is a 2.7 mg dose.

Questions: Is Prime-X the implant that has occasionally been used in
ferrets? Has anyone here actually used it, and if so, how did it work?

Also, *if* this is the right product, and the 2.7 mg implant lasts for
several months, does anyone "get" how the oral is properly dosed at 1 mg
every day? I don't understand... my brain cannot make that compute. Is
it just that different routes need different doses? Help? :)

Best wishes,

-Pam S.