Message Number: YG9332 | New FHL Archives Search
From: zus888
Date: 2001-12-12 13:02:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Imuran and thrombocytopenia(bruising-clotting disorder)

--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., "luvaferret" <deevecchione@c...>
< I've posted before about my little guy, BJ, with the IBD. He's been
on Imuran for a couple months now. I started him at a really low
dose, last month. Only .2 ml every other day. The recommended dose
is .3 ml every day. After that first month, his blood work was within
normal parameters, only slight elevation of WBC's. Platelets
apparently were not checked in the blood chem that we did....Three
weeks ago, I began giving him .2 ml every day. Started to notice some
occasional red bruises around the sub-q injection sites. He had a
renal problem several months ago, induced by the IBD and dehydration.
I continue to give him sub-q of .75 ml every night....I told her
about the bruising and asked about a possible clotting problem. He
has an appt. next week, so we planned on doing a platelet smear. This
morning, I picked him up, and the one whole side of his belly (still
bald from surgery in August) had red bruises. I am stopping the
Imuran immediately. I think I might have overdosed him for three days
with that new prescription. I'm not sure that I'll be using it
anymore. I haven't seen any real change in the IBD. I think it might
be hurting him more than helping at this point.

Does he need a shot of Vit. K or will discontinuing the Imuran be
enough to reverse the problem.>

Here's a website that might give you some information about Imuran

Seems that bruising can be a side effect of Imuran. It is possible
that lowering the dose will reduce or eliminate the side effects.
Imuran should decrease blood cell counts, so the slightly elevated
white blood cell count should not be present (it seems to me).
Honestly, I don't know much about Imuran at all. My ferret Zinc was
on it for a few months at 0.1 ml every other day. (I don't know what
the concentration was.) It did take quite some time to notice a
difference in her stools. After a few months, Zinc went downhill for
no apparent reason. She just looked sickly. The blood tests showed
a decrease in a lot of counts. Seems a lot was depressed. She got
sub-Q fluids and went off the Imuran, and got better quickly. I
think we may have weaned her off, but my memory is failing me right
now. My vet said that sometimes this happens with Imuran. I don't
rightly recall everything he said, but I think it was something about
Imuran building up in her system.

Hopefully, you've worked things out with your vet. I'm very
interested in hearing an update as I don't know much about Imuran
either (only what I just looked up today). Your experiences would be
beneficial for all to hear since it may become a common treatment for
