Message Number: YG9369 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Melissa
Date: 2001-12-14 15:36:00 UTC
Subject: Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Adrenal surgery

Regarding the preference for left-adrenal removal in
cases where the symptoms are clear but neither gland
is obviously enlarged:

-- Caitlyn Martin <caitlynmaire@e...> wrote:
[My vet] has explained that he does not want to
subject a ferret to two surgeries and therefore waits
until he is sure the affected gland will be obviously
enlarged. [and there's a risk of addison's]
The "open-up-and-see" method assumes the following:
(1) that the ferret will not develop complications in
the next six months from either the adrenal problem or
another problem (like insulinoma, heart problems, etc)
that make surgery much more risky;

(2) that the adrenal problem will not progress to a
point where it causes other, potentially serious
health problems that may not clear up until the
adrenal problem is resolved (prostate enlargement,
anemia, severe vaginal infections). Keep in mind that
once the secondary problem gets to a critical point,
it takes several weeks for the adrenal meds to kick
in, so that secondary problem may not abate for those
several weeks;

(3) that the "tumor" is the kind that gets bigger so
that in a few months, the vet can tell which one it
is; some don't, and some vets can't tell anyway.

I think that, as well-meaning as we are, sometimes we
think of surgeries like oil changes -- you just
schedule one for 6 months from now without really
thinking about what can happen in the meantime. I
know I used to think that way. Successive surgeries
can take a toll on a ferret's overall health over
time, particularly with a smouldering systemic health
problem present.

While Addison's is *not* a good thing, it can be
planned for, or you can skip the second surgery and
treat with medication instead. I think that the 70% -
80% chance of success is worth taking, particularly
for a ferret exhibiting such advanced symptoms.


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