Message Number: YG9413 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Melissa Litwicki
Date: 2001-12-15 12:11:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Are annual vaccinations still necessary?

As a member of the very small 'fewer vaccinations' league :), I would like
to note that I have rarely had my 5yo or older ferrets vaccinated against
rabies or distemper. However, none of my pets go outside, there is a very
low distemper risk in my area, and practically nobody but myself comes
into contact with my ferret. Additionally, almost every 5yo or older
ferret *I've* ever had has been afflicted with some chronic medical
disease which made me reluctant to toss vaccinations into the mix as well.
My vet has had no disagreements with me with regards to the ferrets I've
not had re-vaccinated. I'd like to point out, however, that my household
situation could be considered unique in the factors that led to my
decisions - many other people have more pets, or more people coming into
contact with their ferrets, or live in higher distemper-risk areas. Mine
is not the decision i would encourage anyone else to make; I just wanted
to voice that it has worked out okay for me and three of my past/present
