Message Number: YG9475 | New FHL Archives Search
From: daneedv
Date: 2001-12-19 13:09:00 UTC
Subject: Re: JHawk and Lupron

--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., Russell Prater <russellprater@w...>
> miamiferret wrote:
> It just happens that I archived one of your post where you mentioned
> them.
> > Save your money and have your vet call Jayhawk Pharmacy (1-785-
> --
> Russ, Booger, Bonnie & Clyde
> russellprater@w...

My vet is currently trying to get some Lupron from Jayhawk for one of
my ferrets. There price is going up - maybe as high as $140.00 for a
4 month depot, and they will not have any until sometime after
January 1, 2002. However, even with the price increase, they are
still less then many of the other pharmacies that offer ferret sized
Lupron doses.