Message Number: YG9500 | New FHL Archives Search
From: ferretkrazi
Date: 2001-12-21 14:38:00 UTC
Subject: Update on Tigger and Phenobarbital

I will have only limited internet access for the next 5 or so days
and wanted to post an update in case I can't for a while.

Tigger is continuing to improve on the phenobarbital. It's still
small steps, but improvement none the less. It seems as though his
eyesight is coming back in his right eye. I believe he still remains
blind in his left eye but he can now watch a ball roll across the
floor. This is improvement from before when he couldn't even see me
wave my hand in front of either eye. He has also begun to chew a few
ferretbites. He has difficulties picking one up from the floor for
some reason but manages okay if I hand it to him and he chews it.
(Could come down to just being spoiled for that one! ;) )

His activity level has increased since my last update and his balance
has improved too. He can now crawl up onto my lap and he's almost
able to support his entire body weight balanced on his back legs. (I
was making him practice by holding the laxastat in the air above him
while supporting him at the rib cage. Prior to all this, he was an
excellent "begger.") He is also getting the hang of picking up the
polar fleece ball, carrying it somewhere and then killing it by
shaking back and forth. Before last night, he only did one or the
other, not all together in the sequence. Since this was his favorite
activity before, I'm very pleased!

He is still not eating kibble or drinking water. He's gained weight
since all of this happened. I suspect from continued calories in his
soup minus his old activity level. As of Tuesday night, he's
weighing in at 3 pounds even. He was previously only 2 pounds 10
ounces. He still doesn't understand playing, even with his best
buddy Lynx. He thought Lynx was attacking him and he panicked.

If anyone wants/needs to contact me over the holidays, please send
email to "ferretkrazi @" (without the spaces). Thanks for
the support and I'm wishing happy and healthy holidays for you and
your loved ones...
