Message Number: YG9528 | New FHL Archives Search
From: stacie789
Date: 2001-12-23 20:23:00 UTC
Subject: Injured Pet. Please help!!

Hi, We have a one year old ferret. His name is Sandy and he has a
pretty serious injury. He got out of the house on Thursday (20th)
and we believe, encountered a cat. His right eye has been punctured
through near the pupil. He was seen by a Vet and he has been referred
to a Optimaligist for Pets. Surgery is required to repair the eye
from completely rupturing. He has been a trouper through this but is
in a lot of pain. Because of the holidays he will not be able to be
seen by the Optimaligist until this christmas week. Our problem is
that we do not have the means to pay for surgery for Sandy. We dont
know what to do. If anyone has anykind of information that will
assist us in having something done to help our littlest memeber of
our family it would be greatly appreciated. Please email us at

Thank You,
