Message Number: YG9535 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-12-23 18:26:00 UTC
Subject: Sudden onset of bloody stools with some vomiting-Please

My ferret (approx 4 years old) was playing this morning. Tonight
he started vomiting and had some blood in his stools. I quickly
isolated him from his 4 other ferret buddies and gave him some
slippery elm bark for his upset stomach. He then proceeded to poop
3 more times within a half hour that were watery bloody with some
consistency to the stool. His tail was bottlebrushed for about a
half hour. He was a rescue last year that had contracted ECE. He
came threw the ECE quickly and has not been sick since. I have
noticed some slight greenish stools in the cage for the last few
days but did not know which ferret and they all were acting fine.
His only other signs are that he is humping any and all ferrets and
does have a very strong musky odor. Any immediate feedback would
be greatly appreciated as all the vet offices are closed right now
and the nearest emergency vet is 60 miles away.
