Message Number: YG9571 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Natasha Mohr
Date: 2001-12-28 02:22:00 UTC
Subject: Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Isoflurane vs Propofol

At 12:22 AM 12/28/01 -0800, you wrote:

I only know that our vet uses only Isoflurane and would NOT
any other anesthetic for a ferret. Our vet has lots of experience
many ferrets under their care. Good thing you checked.

My vet actually used to use isoflourane but now uses something
called sevoflourane instead. She says it is a gas, like iso, but
better. It has a shorter recovery period and doesn't involve the
foul taste that iso seems to give the fuzzies. But I know my vet
would agree that if sevo isn't available, iso is the best thing.

-Natasha Mohr